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Minnesota rental car company offers one-of-a-kind Tesla driving experience

The company, called TREVLS, is located at Mall of America.

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - Entrepreneur Elon Musk made history with the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 heavy rocket, which carried a Tesla Roadster into orbit. Now, a unique local start-up is making it a whole lot easier for people to experience a Tesla for themselves.

TREVLS offers a first-of-its-kind car rental service that drives the Tesla experience right to your door. TREVLS stands for Tesla rental electric vehicle luxury service.

"You can go right online, make a reservation, and a Tesla shows up to your home, office, hotel or airport, and it's very simple, and that's what the goal is," said John Marino, the TREVLS founder and CEO.

TREVLS can be found at Mall of America. What you won't find? A rental counter, a waiting line, or any cars that run on fossil fuels.

"Over 50 percent of the people who rent from Tesla are people who have never driven an electric car before, so we give them a nice tutorial, really quick and easy, exactly how to use the car, and then you're set to go," Marino explained.

One rental option is the Tesla Model X. It can go from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds, which is as close to flying as some of us will ever get.

The Model X offers much more than an adrenaline rush. It also has Tesla's much talked about autonomous driving feature.

"We're the only car rental company in the country that offers autopilot as part of our fleet," Marino said. "So, if you want to try it out and see what the future is, today, come on down to the Mall of America and rent a Tesla."

To learn more about TREVLS, visit its website here.

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