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Grow With KARE: Early spring perennials

Virginia bluebells are at the top of a lot of lists — a gorgeous native plant that spreads wonderfully through a shady or woodland environment.

GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. — The first blooms of the season are so exciting. Some of them coming before the snow is even gone, which makes them all the more special. And as pollinators emerge, these flowers are so beneficial for early nectar:

Virginia bluebells are at the top of a lot of lists. A gorgeous native that spreads wonderfully through a shady or woodland environment.

Crocus are some of the first blooms of the season with cherry colors that signal spring is here.

Snowdrops are another very early bloom that can show up before the snow has gone.

Creeping phlox are the reason that the April full moon is called the pink moon!

For a shrub version, forsythia are always a fan favorite.

Daffodils are hard to beat and are excellent at warding off voles from eating other bulbs in your garden.

Dwarf iris are a special and spectacular sight that come in a rainbow of colors.

Bloodroot blooms and then develops its leaves. Then later in the season watch ants plant more bloodroot for you as they carry seed below ground.

Hellebores are a special plant and probably the earliest bloomers on this list.

Give pasque flower a try as a native early bloom.

Then of course there’s tulips and pansies. There are enough options to convince us that early spring can be full of blooms if you choose the right plants!

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