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Celebrity's cancer discovered after taking an online risk assessment

Despite no symptoms or family history, Olivia Munn has a new role: Survivor.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

MINNEAPOLIS — Less than a month ago Olivia Munn went public with her breast cancer diagnosis and journey. Munn gained fame as a TV celebrity and as an actor in movies like Magic Mike, Ironman 2, and Date Night.  In mid-March the 44-year-old revealed a new role – cancer survivor. Munn made the announcement via Instagram

Munn’s cancer journey started ten months earlier. Even though she showed no symptoms or family history for the disease, her doctor suggested she take a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment test. It was a life-changing recommendation. Munn shared her story on NBC’s TODAY show.

The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool is available online. It calculates a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer over the next five years through ninety years of age. The National Cancer Institute has details how it works. Here’s a link to the actual assessment. It takes about five minutes to complete.

Take part in Buddy Check 11 Day!

Regular self-exams play an important role in discovering cancer. When something changes you’re more likely to notice. That’s why Health Fair 11 sends monthly email reminders to do monthly breast self-exams (BSEs).

On the 11th of each month, Buddy Check 11 Day, you are reminded to do a BSE. Click here for a video on how to properly do a BSE. It was produced by the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Use your fingertips to feel for lumps, bumps, thickenings, puckering, or rashes. Be sure to check the area of the breast located near your armpit!

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, pick up your phone and schedule an appointment to get a medical expert’s professional evaluation. While you have your phone out, call/text/email/ a “Buddy” and encourage them to do their own self-exam. When you both do regular self-exams, you’re more likely to notice if something has changed in your body.

Sign up today!

Monthly Buddy Check 11 reminders are coordinated by Health Fair 11 --- a nonprofit organization working in collaboration with KARE 11 TV. Sign up for Buddy Check 11 emails by using this link: /email. Be sure to select “Buddy Check 11” located in the opt-in menu on the form.

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