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Making mental health a priority

Achieving and maintaining mental health wellness takes patience and dedication, especially in an age where the impacts of social media aren’t fully known.

Until recent days many in our society looked upon mental health wellness and care as a luxury. Now we’re learning it’s a key component in establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

"Mental health should be the number one priority because everything trickles down from that," explains wellness guru Sarah Edwards. She strongly believes mental health is just as important as physical health, and suggests that we learn how to prioritize it. 

"It’s all about not being judgmental to yourself and just finding something that works for you," Edwards says. 

Not that it happens overnight. Achieving and maintaining mental health wellness takes patience and dedication, especially in an age where the impacts of social media aren’t fully known.

"We are addicted to these devices," Edwards insists. "It hasn’t been that many years that we’ve been operating as a society that’s glued to computers and screens, so we haven’t really figured out the long term results it’s going to have on our physical and mental health."

Each person’s journey toward mental health wellness will be different, depending on needs, lifestyle, and personal goals, Edwards says. Finding health and balance will be more challenging for some than others. The key is not to overthink things. It could be as simple as 

  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Having positive relationships
  • Being able to set realistic goals and expectations

Many times, little adjustments can make a big difference, especially at work. 

"Just get up from your desk and walk around because those emails will be there and you’ll get to them, but you need your energy flowing in order to be productive," Edwards maintains. 

She also urges anyone who feels they're struggling with mental health wellness to consider talking with a mental health professional. 

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