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Ways to protect your skin from winter's cold

MINNEAPOLIS--Winter's cold may be good for getting rid of unwanted pests, but the cold is definitely rough on skin. Dr. Matt Larson from Dermatology Consultants joined us on KARE 11 News@4 to discuss how to protect your skin from harsh winter elements.

MINNEAPOLIS--Winter's cold may be good for getting rid of unwanted pests, but the cold is definitely rough on skin. Dr. Matt Larson from Dermatology Consultants joined us on KARE 11 News@4 to discuss how to protect your skin from harsh winter elements.

What are the worst effects from cold weather? Less humid air and colder weather can cause dry, flaky skin and chapped lips. It can also make conditions like eczema and rosacea much worse. Some people get pernio, or chilblains, on hands and feet. These red bumps can cause itching, swelling and even blistering.

· If the weather gets colder, how should I watch for frostbite? Subzero temperatures can cause frostbite within 30 minutes, so cover up as much as you can. Head indoors if you feel like you may be developing frostbite. To bring feeling back into any body part that may be frostbitten, do so gradually by exposing it to warm water or a warm washcloth. Do not submerge hands or feet directly into hot water.

· What about your hands? When it gets below zero no one forgets his or her mittens and gloves. But it’s important to layer up even if it’s warmer because your hands can get chapped and even start to bleed with too much exposure to cold weather.

· What should I remember when moisturizing? Generally, the thicker the better. Ointments (Aquaphor, Vaniply, and Vaseline) are more moisturizing than creams (Cetaphil, CeraVe, and Vanicream), and creams are more moisturizing than lotions. I recommend using at least a cream if not an ointment. And switch to gentler soaps in the winter.

I’m headed for a mountain ski vacation. How can I best take care of my skin? The reflection off of snow can amplify and even double the effects of UV rays from the sun. To protect yourself from sun damage and skin cancer, remember to use sunscreen and to reapply it every two hours, even if its’ cloudy outside.

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