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Friday’s top moments: Eileen Gu wows on half pipe, figure skating pair sets record

Hitting nearly 14 feet on her opening rightside 900 cork Buick grab, China's Eileen Gu made a statement with her nearly-perfect women’s ski halfpipe run.

BEIJING, China — Team USA strives to add to their medal count. Athletes representing China and Germany gave strong performances Friday at the 2022 Winter Olympics. 

A figure skating pair put up the highest score yet seen. Eileen Gu sets a record of her own. Team USA's closing ceremony flag bearer, Elana Meyers Taylor, is looking for a strong finish to the women's bobsled pairs event. 

Figure skaters show big emotions after women's free skate 

“I hate this sport,” Alexandra Trusova shouted at the side of the rink. “I won't go onto the ice again.” She made her statement after becoming the first woman to attempt five quadruple jumps in Olympic competition. Trusova won the silver medal, with Russian teammate Anna Shcherbakova winning gold. 

Watch more reactions to the shocking results here.

“Snow princess” Eileen Gu has near-perfect pipe final Run 2 for China 

After winning gold in big air, Eileen Gu easily scored a 93.25 and took the lead on her first run in the women’s ski halfpipe final. She performed even stronger in her second run, ultimately scoring a 95.25. Gu is the first action-sports athlete to earn three medals at the same Winter Olympics. 

Elana Meyers Taylor, Sylvia Hoffman in bronze position with heats to go in bobsled 

Team USA sits behind two German teams in women’s bobsled at the midway point. Elana Meyers Taylor says, “'We're gonna go after it and attack tomorrow.”  

Meyers Taylor — who has hinted she might retire after these Games — would carry the American flag into Sunday night’s closing ceremony. She was supposed to be one of the flagbearers at the opening ceremony, but she couldn't do it because she was in isolation after a positive COVID-19 test. She got out in time to compete. 

China's Sui and Han lead after record-setting figure skating program 

Sui Wenjing and Han Chan of China shattered their own world record for a short program at the Beijing Games on Friday night, giving them the narrowest of leads over Russian rivals Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov heading into the free skate. Sui and Han won silver at the 2018 Pyeongchang Games. 

Team USA men's curling loses bronze medal match 

Canada prevailed over John Shuster and Team USA. The Canadians capitalized on a missed final shot by Shuster in the second-to-last end that turned a one-point edge into an insurmountable 8-5 lead. Shuster leaves Beijing empty-handed. Sweden and Britain are going for gold in the men’s final. 

Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc put up season-best score in short program 

American figure skaters Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc shine in the pairs short program at the 2022 Winter Olympics. Cain-Gribble and LeDuc scored 74.13 points. LeDuc became the first nonbinary American athlete to compete at the Winter Games. “Hopefully people watching this feel that there is space for them to come into figure skating and for them to be able to celebrate what makes them different,” LeDuc said. 

Their program was nearly derailed. Cain-Gribble suffered an ankle sprain that affected her right landing foot two nights ago. She said she was able to recover by doing manual therapy with the team doctor. 

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